‘A Man of Integrity’ (Lerd)

dregs_poster_goldposter_com_1.jpg@0o_0l_800w_80qAn honest yet downtrodden fish farmer (a quiet, nuanced performance by Reza Akhlaghirad in his film debut) fights corruption and injustice in rural Iran.

A Man of Integrity is a scathing critique of contemporary Iran (you’re either oppressed or the oppressor) as Reza looks for his family’s survival in the face of corporate expansion and control. Director Mohammad Rasoulof teases out stoically naturalistic performances and a surprising tension from an age-old David and Goliath storyline.

Screened in the Melbourne International Film Festival.

Rating: 76%

Director: Mohammad Rasoulof (Manuscripts Don’t Burn, Goodbye)

Writer: Mohammad Rasoulof (Manuscripts Don’t Burn, Goodbye)

Main cast: Reza Akhlaghirad, Soudabeh Beizaee (Hanging Steps, Immortality), Nasim Adabi (The Wednesday, Time to Love)