’Brokeback Mountain’

A visceral and ultimately tragic love story against the grain as two cowboys maintain a secret relationship over many years.

Wyoming, 1963 and two cowboys take summer work on a sheep farm on Brokeback Mountain that sees the two alone for weeks at a time. Against all odds a deep love forms between the two strangers, maintained over several years. Married with children, Ennis Del Mar (Heath Ledger) is withdrawn and gently spoken: Texan Jack Twist (Jake Gyllenhaal) more active in his sexuality but eventually he too marries (Anne Hathaway). Secrecy is the name of the game but Alma Del Mar (Michelle Williams) has known all along. But what is the future for the two?

A study of love under siege, adapted from a short story by Annie Proulx, Brokeback Mountain is a sublime, tender, achingly beautiful story. Understated performances from Ledger and Williams in particular with a haunting soundtrack (Gustavo Santaolalla) and ravishing cinematography (Rodrigo Prieto) combine to ensure director Ang Lee has produced a modern masterpiece of filmmaking.

Nominated for 8 Oscars in 2006 including best film, actor (Ledger), supporting actor, supporting actress (Williams), cinematography – won 3 for best director, adapted script and original score

Rating: 93%

Director: Ang Lee (Life of Pi, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon)

Writer: Larry McMurtry (The Last Picture Show, Terms of Endearment), Diana Ossana (Joe Bell, TV’s Dead Man Walk)

Main cast: Heath Ledger (The Dark Knight, Candy), Jake Gyllenhaal (The Sisters Brothers, Southpaw), Michelle Williams (Manchester by the Sea, Blue Valentine)

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