’Gaga Chromatica Ball’

A spectacular live performance at the Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles by Lady Gaga as part of her 2022 tour.

In front of 52,000 people, Lady Gaga’s two hour concert is an exciting, visually striking melange of her music with the voice of the music diva souring above the band, choreography, frequent costume changes and scenography. With two catwalks thrusting outwards from the main stage, a bevy of dancers and Gaga herself throw themselves into the highly physical renditions of some of her greatest hits. Musicians are loud and proud whilst beautiful but slightly odd onscreen visuals provide segueways into the various sections of the concert. And then it’s all slowed down as Gaga takes up residence on an outlying stage to present a series of piano classic ballads with an extended Born This Way and deep rapport with her audience central to the gig.

Gaga’s personality oozes through every frame – from the robotic, barely moving opening songs through to the passion of those ballad anthems to the highly synchronised dance routines, she gives it her all. As does every person on that stage with her. Only criticism is the occasional over use of hyperactive camerawork and editing – too many quick fire changes. But a minor caveat – Gaga is extraordinary in providing a true Gaga-esque experience.

Rating: 80%

Director: Kerry Asmussen (Live From the Artists Den, Happier Than Ever: A Love Letter to Los Angeles), Lady Gaga