‘The King’s Speech’

A deeply human story in the depths of the 1930s British royal family, The King’s Speech sees the Duke of York (Colin Firth) battle with his debilitating stutter – and turn to the unconventional methods of Australian speech therapist Lionel Logue.

Logue (Geoffrey Rush) is anything but a fawning royalist – my way or no way – and gradually wins over the trust of the initially reluctant Bertie and gratitude of the Duchess of York (Helena Bonham Carter). It proves to be fortuitous as York’s brother Edward (Guy Pearce) abdicates from the throne and Bertie becomes King George VI.

Shot through with warmth and humour, the absorbing film, set in the decade leading up to the outbreak of World War II, pivots on the wholly convincing relationship between the two men. It’s a pleasure to watch as a cracking script (David Seidler) and in-depth performances are perfectly marshalled by director Tom Hooper.

Nominated for 11 Oscars in 2011 including best supporting actor (Rush), supporting actress, costume design, original score – won 4 for best film, director, actor, original script.

Rating: 75%

Director: Tom Hooper (Les Miserables, Cats)

Writer: David Seidler (Tucker: the Man & His Dream, The Queen of Spades)

Main cast: Colin Firth (A Single Man, Kingsman), Geoffrey Rush (Shine, Pirates of the Caribbean), Helena Bonham Carter (Ocean’s 8, Howards End)