
A low-budget sci-fi horror set in the distant future that spawned a cult, Alien is an iconic feature within its genre – and beyond.

As the commercial spaceship Nostromo makes its way home, a distress call from a distant planet is picked up. The crew is under obligation to investigate. On landing, a hive colony of an unexplained organism is discovered. Kane (John Hurt – Midnight Express, The Elephant Man) is attacked and, on returning to the ship, the crew discover they are prey to a life form that hunts them down within the claustrophobic confines of the Nostromo.

Director Ridley Scott (The Martian, Gladiator) uses darkness and psychological suggestion to perfect effect as Sigourney Weaver (Avatar, Gorillas in the Mist) sees her colleagues picked off one by one. With its constant sense of menace, Alien is one of the creepiest, scariest and most shocking films ever made.

Nominated for 2 Oscars in 1980 including best art direction, won 1 for best visual effects.

Rating: 74%

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