‘The Revenant’

revenant-leoIt picked up three Golden Globes – best film, best actor (Leonardo DiCaprio) and best director (Alejandro González Iñárritu). Add 12 Oscar nominations and eight BAFTA noms and it’ll give you an indication of the Hollywood Royalty of The Revenant.

Stunning to look at thanks to cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki (and a possible third successive Oscar following on from last year’s Birdman and Gravity in 2014), The Revenant is a sonerous, sweeping narrative; a brutal yet poetic survival tale of the utmost hardships.

Yet, in spite of an intense, believable performance by DiCaprio (possibly his first Oscar winning performance?) and excellent support from the likes of Tom Hardy and Domhnall Gleeson (Ex-Machina, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows), a visceral The Revenant is a bombardment of grim, grim and yet more grim.

A frontiersman on a fur trading expedition in the 1820s fights for survival after being mauled by a bear and left for dead by members of his own hunting team.

Nominated for 12 Oscars in 2016 (including best film, supporting actor – Tom Hardy), won 3 (best director, actor, cinematographer).

Rating: 68% 

Director: Alejandro González Iñárritu (Birdman, Amores perros)

Writer: Alejandro González Iñárritu (Birdman, Babel), Mark L. Smith (Martyrs, The Hole) – based on the novel by Michael Punke

Main cast: Leonardo DiCaprio (The Beach, Blood Diamond), Tom Hardy (Mad Max: Fury Road, The Drop), Domhnall Gleeson (Ex Machina, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows)